Facing Giants

I’m enamored by the fear
It’s what brings me close to here, to the place
where I can’t recognize my face but
am able to sustain that
I can feel


And when the time draws nigh
for me to stand straight, eye to eye
with the imp whose caused
my cowardice
My lack of strength broadens
and puffs up my chest

with air

Easily deflated but I fake it till I
make it because where I stand, eyes aglow,
fist clenched hands
I will show no mercy, my reflection
not myself so I can be whomever I choose
And that choice supplies a
confidence that I

am strong

Or not, because after all its fight or flight,
and with all wrongs there are all rights,
but it takes might to admit that I am weak
yet in the face of confrontation, I’ve placed myself
inside my fear, perfectly not myself but
everything in me and that has been
because of that

I win

An Abrupt Affair

What is this beauty?
timeless waves of pleasure swirling about the air
tangled in her hair, beneath the subtle thoughts
remorse reminded, and lust prevails
further so when she wraps around my waist
a kiss reveals the taste I love and hate
slaps to my face, the pause,
the weight
she carries on, burdens get buried by beauty
and masked faces to strangers
wolves in sheep’s clothing, the danger
in every right and wrong way that she sways her hips
against mine, calm breaths a lie with each inhale
that the moment was only that

Forever Goodnight

Sing me to sleep, mama
way deep down to rest
Pressed against your chest

Sing me to sleep, mama
melodic tones to sway
warming voice while still I lay

Sing me to sleep, mama
wrapped so tight, in blankets plenty
one more minute turns to twenty

Sing me to sleep, mama
ready not to let me go
heartbeat thumps a steady slow

Sing me to sleep, mama

Holding Fallacy

One time I caught a lie with my bare hands;
right from her lips, she let it slip.
Still soaking whet, it sliced right through the air,
it was aimed right at me,
and in unnatural instinct
I put up my hands and caught it, mid-strike.
Right through my palms, it pierced me
and embedded my soul, causing an immediate bloody chaos
that ran towards my arms and at the floor;
heavy on ignore, trying to understand
how her fib was physically in my hands.
Actuality a victim of shattered mentality,
fallacy slits the nape of her neck when
she regurgitates and spews each
deception my way,
and in unnatural instinct,
with a bloodied soul and pierced palms,
the glass from the mirror clanged to the floor;
the liar she was,
a liar no more.

Literary Clique Pt. 3?

In similarity of a past habit, please find below a bundle of my latest musings deemed incomplete, but complete enough:

Little Reminders
What’s anything less than the black and red
flames burning beneath a tepid ground
dancing like hell bent lovers against her
precious stained flesh
a dry black puddle sat careless and bold
the reminder that the past leaves a mark

“Break it, I dare you”
a giggle like an old photo crept across her face
“go on, go on”
big brown eyes piercing into the sun, only for a moment
“I’ll take all the blame”

Say it again and again one more time
I don’t think I can understand
the words don’t sound, and they look all weird to my ears
and can we talk about that weird smell

So please say it all again and again one more time
and maybe this time I’ll get it
my undivided is given, I swear, there are no distractions
except that pesky smell, really what is that

Bound to the earth by
a heavy weight
enough gravity and exhaustion
to ensure no movement


Its stunning
a brilliant disaster covered in
kisses and sweet nothings
A gutsy laugh from the bellows
of regret escapes his tantalizing tongue
He says all the right things
and she feels all the right ways
but honesty is fearless
bold and loud
It snakes into the cerebellum
flipping the switch on the twinges of guilt
felt during each embrace
You are not each others
but stolen time from broken commitment
Beneath the shadow  of the sun,
you sneak and sway, torturing time with lies
and smiles, unfair
while the suffocation of unreturned love
twists into the lungs of both betrothed
unbeknown to one another that they’re
dying of the same lack of breath

Don’t Breathe

If you catch your breath,

your lungs will collapse

and rebuild to be less sturdy,

The air you breathe is dirty,

A toxin to the chest,

Poison in your body helps

your blood to travel faster,

Your hearts the humble master

of your brain’s survival quest,

Your eyes get bloodshot red,

The clots protest along your veins,

An instant heart attack

To stop the air flow to your brain,

So, don’t breathe


Align your toes to match her shadows
Sway your hips with her curvy waist
Haven’t you heard, Satan is a widow?
She chewed him up because she hated the taste
So tempt not her temper and bat not an eye
Dance her dance to the melodic breeze
Step by step to the tune, ending nigh
When she’ll swallow you whole with an arrogant ease