Facing Giants

I’m enamored by the fear
It’s what brings me close to here, to the place
where I can’t recognize my face but
am able to sustain that
I can feel


And when the time draws nigh
for me to stand straight, eye to eye
with the imp whose caused
my cowardice
My lack of strength broadens
and puffs up my chest

with air

Easily deflated but I fake it till I
make it because where I stand, eyes aglow,
fist clenched hands
I will show no mercy, my reflection
not myself so I can be whomever I choose
And that choice supplies a
confidence that I

am strong

Or not, because after all its fight or flight,
and with all wrongs there are all rights,
but it takes might to admit that I am weak
yet in the face of confrontation, I’ve placed myself
inside my fear, perfectly not myself but
everything in me and that has been
because of that

I win

Kindergarten Stuff

Its not sharing if you steal it first

Taking what you please

and setting a timer

Boundaries even

Scheduling visits with limits

Racking up rules for my own property

with no condolence in my loss

Just fees and absentee reminders that

your greater numbers pose a threat to my sucker-punched kin 

and that 

big hearts experience big loss but gain greater success

as a big voice expels after much deliberation


When joint custody is no longer satisfying enough 

and I take back what was mine all along

A receipt to ensure no memory loss imprints:

It’s not sharing if you steal it first.