The Silent Screams of Gaia

She whirls with anger, ruckus in the wind,
defeat ripping the leaves from Her limbs, murderous

The loud groans of the heavy-engined monsters drown out the smooth
melodies of the winged choir,
the critters run blindly along the smoggy roots and stones,
their nearby comfort a distant memory
while the plants scream a silence the pierces the soul
of Her terrain

In Her own defense, She pulls the rain from the clouds,
scraping Her nails across the sky and leaving Her threats
of bright lit bolts

With a heavy downpour, She begs, She pleads through the
waves nearest to the furthest seas for the simplicity of being,
but Her sorrows go ignored and shall continue so,
for the infiltrating noise surpasses the frequency of peace
with the intention to crack Her core,

And it is then, with unfortunate delight, that She may engulf
us all into Her fiery wrath

Where Art Thou, Spring?

the maple tree wore wet leaves
hung depressed from a somber day
in the middle of May
Spring, an imaginary figment
holding hostage the smell of
sweet peonies
blushing in their resplendency
Keeping back the intricate
shadows of the neighbourhood feline
struck against the cement trails
Instead the heavens
feed the soil with its globules
Promising a late yet beautiful bloom
in patient time

Within This Realm

It was kismet
the way the grey kissed the sky
Flush with the tears from the gods up high
The mist squeezed eagerly from the pregnant clouds
rogue drops hitchhiking on the coat tails of the wind
along the bend of the mountain tops
mist turned to sleet and fell at the feet of the
royal oaks the lined the richest banks of the
loneliest rivers
A quiver of Zeus’s breath sent a fresh gust
of scented earth shooting across the face of the planet
As the clouds slept along the edge of the heavens
peace rained heavily amongst the soil


The winds relax
I yawn and ready myself to ready the others
The fire spurs inside me, the heat
enough to push me up into the open field
of sky blue
I glance around
I am alone
Not a cloud in sight
I stretch out an arm and send a streak of warmth
towards the north
My other arm unfurls and warms up the frosty
The fire is rushing around me now, its
presence undeniable
My legs shoot from beneath me sending
my flaming rays towards remaining directions
I watch as the dewy droplets trickle down the daisies stems
scurrying before the heat absorbs them
The birds sing to me, pleased to know that
I’ve returned once more
and will continue to do so

Oak Strong

Still and bold,

the mantled Oak holds constant;

harbouring a history rich in secrets,

it’s branches strained against the urge to fall

Strong natured,

obedient to its oath of silence and immortality,

loyalty splintered deeply beneath its calloused layers,

greeting trials and tribulation,

an invitation to challenges brewed by Dyeus,

no match made as its wood fights fire with flames sparked by its mothers core;

and there it shall stand for periods more


Crystallizing Moments: xiii.

Sometimes I rise with the sun
My soul mate in the sky
Unbound by the rules of man
Yet loyal to being the light in the life of millions

Sometimes I rise with the sun
My best friend amongst the big blue
Sincerity in every warming ray
The heat to the cold natured without expectation

Sometimes I rise with the sun
My sister of unyielding love
Unmoved by the hatred of man
Yearning daily to shine after the full moons stretch

I Am The Plant

I am the plant
Without option for my presence
But here none the less
Settled amongst the others, I strive to stake my place

I am the plant
Thirst quenched with water and aided bloom from the sunniest day
A young beauty no doubt
But time does pass

I am the plant
Tugged and trampled
Drenched in the tears of heavy grays swarming the sky
Emptied of my pollens by needy insects nearby to further breed more like me
The circle of life, indeed

I am the plant
Bites from bugs leave holes in my leaves
But I’ll continue to give, sprouting another stem
More supply to the demand,
though weakened from the chill that’s roused with the changing of the season

I am the plant
Cracked and crooked
Yet still somehow standing
Leaned against those closest to me
Reminders that I am not alone
That I will survive this harsh moment
And in time, feel the warm sun shine against my long leg once again

I am the plant
A survivor of all, rather in myself
Or those I leave behind


Born in beauty
Petals broaden at the warmth
fed from the sky’s glowing
Standing tall
There is strength in numbers
A cluster invites
the buzzing of the bees
Relief from the excess pollen
Weeks pass
Amidst a brewing storm
the stems tug
A cool breeze signifies change
Petals shiver at the cold
sent from the sky’s greying
Winter arrives
Whither away in bliss
as a return will be prompt
in just a few weeks

Flights Now Boarding

Join me won’t you,
aboard the direct flight to euphoria
and we’ll leave our troubles land ridden along with everyone bound by even the slightest of acrophobia.
Whisked away,
caught in the clouds and riding the storm.
Exhilarating, isn’t it?
We’ll be carried briskly into the wind, the edge of the sky within a fingers reach.
The way we’ll fly, brushing against the grain of the atmosphere,
will welcome sizable inhalations of revitalizing air.
Greeted by varying forms of nature, we’ll sweep over the peaks of Everest,
dusted with the frozen tears of the grey nimbus
heavy from the stress of the unknown toxins leaked into its body;
witnessing scenes available only in dreams and artists akin to Uranus himself.
Reaching heights of absurdity, we’ll shake the hands of Ray, born from the sun;
a generous sort, always sparkling with a shine worthy of a million smiles.
Carousing with the wild flowers, the petals of the orchids
will whip around to the songs of Robin, her voice collaborating innately with the flap of her wings.
Drunk on mirth, the invitation to dive into the limitless stretch of blue sea will be accepted
not with a nod, but a cheerful plunge from Sequoia’s sturdy arms;
The expected splash replaced with a gulp where we’ll find ourselves in the belly of Nessy.
Surely intoxicated to the point of delirium, we’ll feast on sashimi fashioned from our finned friends who found themselves also mistakenly digested.
Freed by a gurgling belch from our mythological ally, we’ll exit doubled over in a silent laughter,
bubbles of our breath floating above our heads in a parade of life.
We’ll make our way to the surface, hitchhiking a ride through the current with a crowd unafraid of stepping out of their shells, and greet the sandy shores with open arms.
Eyes closed, a satisfying fatigue will spread through us like rumor.
Our bodies will be effortlessly lifted back into the care of the sky
where we’ll whisper our goodbyes and float back into the muted lifestyle of our realities.